Quikslope 6

Deformation Analysis Software
Quikslope 6 is a program designed to enhance the analysis of deformation spatial data, using a number of visualisation tools. Developed, tried, and tested over the past 15 years, Quikslope 6 will provide you with better insights into the deformation trends and movements across your project.
Navigate your way through the software with ease - many functions available at the click of a mouse. The graphing functionality provides the ability to remove outlying points and eliminate unwanted steps, to reveal the true underlying trend of deformation data without affecting the raw measurements. Because of this, the data integrity of any measured point is always maintained, and any visualisation edits can always be reversed.
The scenario below demonstrates a before and after comparison in data values and trend, when erroneous steps are removed from data using Quikslope 6.

For a free trial of the Quikslope 6 software click here: Activate a Free Trial
For latest Quikslope Suite click here: Direct Download
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