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System Integration


The diversity in the methods and systems that are used for deformation monitoring has increased over the past decade and driving that change is technology. Technology is allowing us to manage our risk in so many more ways now and the range of solutions is still growing. Already there is Radar, Lidar, GNSS, satellite imagery, manual and/or automated monitoring of prisms, inclinometers, extensometers, piezometers, tiltmeters, weather stations, CCTV cameras, the list goes on...


If any of this technology is new to a person or group, it can be difficult just figuring out where to start! Pangea Geosystems can explain the strengths and weaknesses of the different technology commonly used for deformation monitoring and might assist you in determining which methods are most appropriate for your situation or budget.


Often it is a combination of different systems that are used together to cover all areas of concern. Integrating different components to the system allows us to combine the diverse types of technologies to compliment the strengths and weaknesses of each other. For example, Radar and Prism or GNSS Monitoring are often combined in open pit mining operations in order capture long term and/or seasonal movements as well as detecting sudden movements across large surface areas in near real time with millimetre accuracy.


In other situations, and environments such as construction in urban areas we typically see different combinations. Total stations may be innovatively mounted somewhere unobtruce with a completely different geometry to long range mine wall monitoring and combined with different geotechnical sensors like tilt meters, piezometers, inclinometers etc. to capture data that is more pertinent to a particular issue or to the type of hazard that requires monitoring. These sensors are usually less prone to obstruction by various objects that might interrupt a consistent line of sight as well as other hurdles associated with monitoring in smaller spaces that are densely built-up and can be extremely dynamic as they develop.

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Whatever sensors are preferred, already used, or otherwise required; Pangea Geosystems has a solution to integrate with them so that all your data can be centrally managed in one place. We can automate the collection of data from any sensor and send email alerts, SMS, activate an alarm or start another software process whenever a threshold/limit is exceeded. 


There are several software solutions available that can be used to analyse the data captured by GeoMoS / AMASIA and generate reports. Whether you want to access the database over your LAN or from the cloud, there is a solution to suit your needs. You can even view your data from a smartphone. Contact us to learn more.

System Design

It is understood that selecting hardware and software that can meet the demands of the environment and delivering results to specification is extremely important, but it is not always as simple as just choosing components that meet specification. Often, even the best equipment and software will not provide satisfactory results if the monitoring system has not been designed optimally.


This is particularly prudent in prism monitoring systems where there are so many factors involved in capturing millimetre accurate, geo-referenced, 3D vectorised data. An accurate and stable survey control network is important but furthermore, a lot of consideration to site topography and geometry is paramount to capturing the data. If your system is not providing results that are repeatable, accurate and/or reliable, there is a good chance that the design of the system is letting you down.


Fortunately, these problems can often be resolved at a relatively small cost or even at no cost with nothing more than some simple advice from one of our experienced consultants. Contact us for an obligation free, confidential discussion about your project and let us help you to get the most from your monitoring system. Whether you are in the market for a new monitoring system or have an existing system that just needs a face lift, contact Pangea Geosystems for a professional assessment or just a second opinion.


Network Infrastructure

A critical element in commissioning and maintaining a quality monitoring system is ensuring that the software and networking infrastructure selected for the monitoring system is robust and reliable but still flexible enough that the user is able to collect and analyse data efficiently without compromising network security.


Pangea Geosystems achieves this firstly by using software and hardware solutions that have already been tried and proven over many years, but we believe that the key to making it work begins with our consultative, end to end sales process. We place great emphasis on our communication with our customers, including IT departments and other stakeholders throughout the sales and commissioning processes and well into the future.


Our specialist consultants have strong IT/Networking skill set and can liaise confidently with the IT professionals in your organisation to quickly establish any specific technical requirements there may be and recommend solutions to connect your monitoring system to your existing network.

Alternatively, we can supply a completely new network designed exclusively for your monitoring system.


Deployment to site

Once the monitoring system architecture has been agreed upon and the customer is ready to proceed, Pangea Geosystems will appoint a consultant to manage the project and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Once we have confirmed that our client’s site or workplace is ready for our visit and all pre-requisites have been met, our consultant will travel to site equipped to piece it all together. This typically involves fitting of electronics components, solar 12/24V DC power systems, WiFi infrastructure and a large range of different sensors. When the hardware is in place, we can continue on with installing and configuring the software to get everything integrated and communicating between the field and the office. 


The last part of the visit typically involves training the end users so that they have the knowledge to use and maintain the system without too much outside assistance going forward. This is quite heavily tailored to our customers’ needs and may take as little as a day or as long as a week depending on the level of experience of the trainee and the level of "off-site" support that a customer is happy or willing to rely on.

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